Good News is, I’ll sort of be at Comic-Con this year, bad news is, I won’t actually be IN Comic-Con, I’ll be working at one of the venues off-site, and won’t be getting a nifty little pass thing to get into the actual event, BUT that doesn’t mean I’m  going to miss out on the chance to have a bunch of fun and try to get a ton of pictures/videos.

I was however, hoping to ACTUALLY get in to the event so I could attempt to meet a few famous folks, but no big, though the biggest disappointment in this is I more than likely won’t get the chance to meet the great Steve Blum (for those of you that don’t know, Steve Blum is my all-time favorite voice actor.)

And since this IS my AMV blog, I should mention something AMV related….

So, for those of you wondering, I do plan on doing some editing. Frankly, the only thing stopping me from editing as of late is the lack of computer power, (yes, my computer is crap.) but with any luck, I’ll be able to start saving up to build a new system soon, and hopefully it’ll be able to run all the fancy programs I have for editing… hopefully!

Last but not least, I’ve decided that once my computer’s in a condition to properly edit, I’m going to try to get involved in an MEP, (Multi-Editor-Project) Basically, I want to start making AMVs with other editors, I want to start being more active in the AMV community, but to do that, I need to be able to edit without dealing with my current computer’s limitations.

Anywho, now that that rant is over with, I’ll shut up now.